Advertising has become one of the strong points of many of today's striving companies and corporations. Almost every big company in the world has some sort of advertising out there. Advertising gives a company a great chance to get their products out to the public.
Advertising can play tricks on your mind. Almost every ad has some sort of subliminal message to hint something to your subconscious. We all know that advertising works just think how many times you have been sitting home at night starving while watching T.V. then all of the sudden a commercial for McDonald's or Burger King comes on and you hop in your car and go get something to eat from there. Without that ad you might have had the will power to just stay home and make something but they changed your mind with one simple commercial. Another reason we almost have to think that advertising works is how much advertisers pay to get their advertisement out there. During the Super bowl is one of the best events for commercials, all kinds of new commercials are released. Last year, for just 30 seconds of air time, advertisers had to 2.5 million dollars. I think that if advertising did not work, advertisers would not pay that much of money to get their ads out to the public.
To conclude, advertising has been going on for many years and many more years to come simply because it persuades people to buy the product that is being advertised or at least get you into their store and possibly even buy more things with it.